Haderlump is a young Berlin fashion label. The capital has defined us since the beginning. We consistently produce sustainable fashion that is up to our aesthetic standards. We believe “eco” is better when it’s not on display.

Our name, Haderlump, derives from a slur for the rag collectors of the 18th and 19th centuries. At that time, paper was made out of scraps of linen, hemp, and cotton. “Haderlump” was the name given to people who roamed about as travelers, collecting worn-out pieces and scraps of cloth to sell to the paper mills. The rag collectors were scorned for their ways, but we think they were pioneers ahead of their time. To see value in what others consider “good-for-nothing” is an admirable trait we like to embody.

We believe transparency is the most important criterion for restoring credibility to the fashion industry and paving the way for truly sustainable fashion. Our motto is “cooperation beats competition”. We believe this attitude can evolve how we all consume fashion. This is why we are open about every step of our process, including where our materials come from. For custom items, we use textile scraps from the “Textihafen Berlin”. For all other products, we use deadstock fabrics from Recovo and our own recycled fabrics that we are producing in Spain. It is important to us to have personal relationships with every supplier. We strive to share our vision of circular fashion throughout the entire industry.
We apply our ethical standards to every aspect of our label. We strive to create balance between taking and giving in a sensitive dialogue with our immediate and distant environment. That is why Haderlump works as resource-conserving as possible by using mainly recycled textiles to make high-quality clothes that are meant to last. Everything is designed and manufactured in-house and produced only upon request to avoid overproduction.